Computational Multiscale Mechanics & Design Laboratory

Welcome to PARK Lab @ INU

Our mission is design of advanced materials and manufacturing processes based on the multi-scale simulations. Recently, we are focusing on the topics such as data-driven constitutive modeling of polymer composites, machine learning based materials exploration, nanoscale processing simulations, and plasma facing materials.  

Lab news

3) Jihee Yoon, Van Phuc Thao Nguyen, Vo Doan Hung joined our group (24/09) 

2) Prof. Park gave a speech in "유망과학기술자 강연 CAE devision", KSME Annual Conference 2023

1) LAB homepage open(23/10)

Joining our lab

We are hiring motivated graduate students and postdocs who are interested in multiscale simulations, composite mechanics, finite element analysis, molecular dynamics simulations.

For further details, click below link:


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